NH Family Hikes

Philbrick-Cricenti Bog

Length: 0.8 miles out-and-back with loops

Difficulty (click for info): Beginner

Elevation Gain: 0 feet

Rating (click for info): 7/10

Type: Kettle-Hole Bog

Driving Directions:
Trailhead is on Newport Road, in New London, NH. Newport Road starts at Exit 12 on Rt. 89. The trailhead is on the south side of the road, 1.5 miles from Rt. 89.

Trail Map

About the Hike:
Philbrick-Cricenti Bog is a kettle-hole bog; these typically have a floating bog mat with a small pond in the center. Several boardwalk loops lead through the most scenic places in the bog. You must first take a short forest path to get to the boardwalk. The transitional zone between forest and bog is a Black Spruce Swamp. The Bog Peril Loop passes through an extensive section of swamp with many fallen trees before emerging in the bog at an area where the bog mat is very thin. The Tundra Garden Loop explores a small and pretty part of the bog where many small fir trees grow. Along the boardwalk are a variety of unique plant species, some of which are also found in the arctic tundra. The short Peek Hole Loop allows you to discover just how much water lies underfoot. Pull out the 20-foot pole to see the depth. Finally, the Quaking Loop goes out into the open bog. In places, you can feel the boardwalk shake as you walk over it. Click the link to the trail map for a detailed guide to the wonderful preserve by the NHDFL.

Printable directions page
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